little green heron

Throughout the years of publishing Picture to Ponder and Treasure Your Life Now, there’s been the recurring theme of “Being Present in Our Lives” – “present” to the people in it and to our environments.

This includes hearing what is being said, rather than listening to the voices in our head and what we think is being spoken by another person. [click to continue…]


shades and shadows over two windows

In life I’m sure you’ve probably experienced that there are always at least two sides or more to every story we tell ourselve. In the process, if open to it, we also become aware of the often varied shades of shadows and light within the experience. [click to continue…]


As I ponder “Treasure Your Life Now”, I am reflecting on the importance of Treasuring the “Past” as well as the “Now”; or finding the pieces of the past we treasure for how they’ve contributed, and continue to contribute, to how we live and what we value today.

Thus, in going back to past issues of Picture to Ponder, I am treasuring what was, leading to the paths I’m on today and the contributions many of the long-time subscribers have acknowledged receiving from the photos and the queries.

This brings us to today’s photos and queries that were featured April 9, 2008. Over the years, I’ve often made it a practice when selecting photos to go with whatever showed up. Today one of my favorite photos appeared, “calling” to be featured. I was surprised, when I did a search, to see that, aside from featuring the photo on pillows, tiles, and boxes, I’d never referenced it again in the ezine or blog.

Today’s Photos

Gerber Daisy Yellow #1 [click to continue…]


Photograph manipulated with program in iPad

Did you have any kind of strong response, or reaction, when first glancing at this photo? [click to continue…]


As I’ve mentioned in recent issues of Treasure Your Life Now, I’ve been focusing on areas other than photography. Beneath it all, though, I have a sense of obligation to the subscribers and have had the wondering of what to post here.

In searching through earlier issues, the photos featured today popped out for me. The top photo was a fun one for me.

Boadwalk railing at Green Cay Wetlands - Interlocking textures

If you see the two “kissing faces” in the split in the boardwalk railing, I expect it will be fun for you too. A little late for Valentine’s Day, it does seem to fit the writing I did today in my Writing Group that I’ve mentioned before.

The other four participants all insisted that I post it someplace. So though I’m not exactly sure why, I’m trusting them. It certainly does point to Treasuring Our Lives Now.

The quote to which we wrote for four minutes was: [click to continue…]


This weekend I went searching through files for an earlier issue of Picture to Ponder/Treasure Your Life Now that featured food photographs. I had an article due for my SEEing Beyond column in my community newsletter.

When queried about a theme they’d like, one of the editors said she always enjoys when the articles evolve from photos of food. I found an issue from July 6, 2011 – Declaration: Celebration, Love and Laughter that featured the photos I’m using today, plus one of a quarter piece of cantaloupe.

Since I shifted the context for this issue, a new version and interpretations, it will be necessary to click on the latter link if you wish to see the cantaloupe and are curious as to what I wrote then.

Please continue reading after the photos, for my sharing on a couple of other important things I am up to.

Today’s Photos

dried lemon peel

I would suspect you might be challenged guessing what the above photo is.  If you’ve never kept the cut top of a juiced lemon, you might not guess at all. [click to continue…]


Going into the third week of 2013, I want to acknowledge that this first issue for the year is late.

I am moving in a new direction and will likely be cutting down to two issues a month, rather than weekly. I am continuing my relationship coaching practice and at the same time developing a new business Technology for Seniors Made Easy. The site and blog were officially launched this weekend.

While still concerned with keeping my commitment to you, when I came up for air, I thought the most efficient path would be to search through the over 500 past issues and draw from there.

Find peace” and “take a deep breath” were phrases that were in the background as I pulled up a folder with spreadsheet listings of the first 7 1/2 years of publications. At random, 2008 jumped out and then the title for Volume 4 – Issue 24 caught my eye – Peacefulness from a Fireflag Flower. Going with the peacefulness/relaxation intention I am therefore republishing the latter issue with some modification.

It is my intention, that you, too, experience peace as you look at and spend time with

Today’s Photos  


fisherman at sunset in Loxahatchee

As the 2012 comes to an end, I want to take a few moments to thank you for being a part of the Picture to Ponder/Treasure Your Life community of subscribers. As the sun sets for you on 2012, may you fully feel and embrace the experiences of whatever enlightenment you’ve had this year. Bring that light and more into 2013. [click to continue…]


As you read and ponder the photos in this week’s post, I invite you to keep “play” in the forefront of your “listening.”

Two years ago, in the first sharing of these photos and experience, I wrote:
“For many, holidays present challenging times, especially when loved ones are absent or gone. From what I’ve experienced myself, and seen in others, we’ll often spend time a good amount of time dwelling on what’s missing and the sadness and loneliness of that.

What I’ve discovered is that ultimately staying in that state certainly does not make me feel any better. To make a conscious shift, I may start listing mentally, or on paper, that for which I am grateful. I will sometimes go further and directly express gratitude to another person if it fits and is feasible.”

Kaitlyn behind a glass [click to continue…]


I’m somewhat at a loss for words today with the undercurrent of the senseless, awful tragedy in Newton, Connecticut yesterday.

(Should you live in a distant section of the world and not be aware of it – a shooter forced his way into a school, Kindergarten through 4th grade, and murdered 20 children and 6 adults.)

My subconscious thoughts, I suppose, are what has resulted in this strange mixture of photos that requested being shared here today.

Today’s Photos

Great Blue Heron's stares [click to continue…]