by Sheila Finkelstein on January 27, 2013
This weekend I went searching through files for an earlier issue of Picture to Ponder/Treasure Your Life Now that featured food photographs. I had an article due for my SEEing Beyond column in my community newsletter.
When queried about a theme they’d like, one of the editors said she always enjoys when the articles evolve from photos of food. I found an issue from July 6, 2011 – Declaration: Celebration, Love and Laughter that featured the photos I’m using today, plus one of a quarter piece of cantaloupe.
Since I shifted the context for this issue, a new version and interpretations, it will be necessary to click on the latter link if you wish to see the cantaloupe and are curious as to what I wrote then.
Please continue reading after the photos, for my sharing on a couple of other important things I am up to.
Today’s Photos –
I would suspect you might be challenged guessing what the above photo is. If you’ve never kept the cut top of a juiced lemon, you might not guess at all. [click to continue…]
by Sheila Finkelstein on January 13, 2013
Going into the third week of 2013, I want to acknowledge that this first issue for the year is late.
I am moving in a new direction and will likely be cutting down to two issues a month, rather than weekly. I am continuing my relationship coaching practice and at the same time developing a new business Technology for Seniors Made Easy. The site and blog were officially launched this weekend.
While still concerned with keeping my commitment to you, when I came up for air, I thought the most efficient path would be to search through the over 500 past issues and draw from there.
“Find peace” and “take a deep breath” were phrases that were in the background as I pulled up a folder with spreadsheet listings of the first 7 1/2 years of publications. At random, 2008 jumped out and then the title for Volume 4 – Issue 24 caught my eye – Peacefulness from a Fireflag Flower. Going with the peacefulness/relaxation intention I am therefore republishing the latter issue with some modification.
It is my intention, that you, too, experience peace as you look at and spend time with
Today’s Photos Â