by Sheila Finkelstein on June 14, 2012
Today’s Photos and Story –

The above pink tulip bud was first featured in Picture to Ponder more than seven years ago. How timeless and fresh it looks here today.
Yet it’s an image that could have been totally overlooked. It was in the midst of a plant I had purchased and put in the trunk of my car. When I opened the trunk this bud caught my eye and I went for the camera before the flower had a chance to open.
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by Sheila Finkelstein on June 7, 2012
Today’s issue of Treasure Your Life Now looks at communication in our relationships and opportunities for shifting out of negative states. We will also see a demonstration of the possibilities that can open up when “playing,” adding relaxation and fun to what’s happening in the moment.
If you are a woman, married or single, and looking for more romance in your relationship, be sure to check out the special offer on the Lifelong Romance Retreat at which I will be an exhibitor on June 23rd. (after the Tips)
Today’s Photos and Story –
Going through some old papers the other day, I found one of the numerous Haikus I had written six and seven years ago when I was experiencing a great deal of anger at how Parkinson’s Disease was affecting my beloved Sam. [click to continue…]