Tips for Expanding Your Vision

Sheila Finkelstein, Artist/Writer/Photographer/Coach
introduces the use of the camera to:
break through blocks, create new openings

and see things from unique perspectives, expanding both your inner and outer worlds.To experience how she does this, get your report, EXPAND YOUR VISION, with your free subscription to TREASURE YOUR LIFE NOW/PICTURE TO PONDER.

Simply fill in your name and email address below.

Using Photography as Access to Transformation

Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck:
In your work?
In a relationship?
With yourself?

If “yes”, would you like to get unstuck quickly and with fun?
Well you can!

Subscribe to TREASURE YOUR LIFE NOW/FORMERLY PICTURE TO PONDER, the Bi-Weekly Inspirational Photo Ezine and receive the report EXPAND YOUR VISION WHEN STUCK: Using Your Camera and Writing to Open Yourself Up to New Ways of Seeing Opportunities.

To download your free report, fill in your name and email address below. This information is safe. It will never be passed on or sold and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Once you confirm your subscription you’ll be on your way to having new tools for revitalization and restoration.

EXPAND YOUR VISION, includes “7 Tips for Expanding Your Vision,” plus real-life examples of subscribers who have had transformational life experiences, and much more.

PICTURE TO PONDER, the Weekly Inspirational Photo eZine, includes one or two photographs and “Self-Reflecting Queries”

inspired by the photos. The Queries have you look into your own life opening up to seeing your world in new ways.

“Not only have you pointed out an alternative to the State of Funk, but you opened a whole new world for me. The biggest effect is that I see ‘ordinary’ things in a heightened way. While I did notice things before, it wasn’t with the same depth of fascination and it wasn’t with quite as many things. Now alert to the magic inherent everywhere, I see nuances. I’m sure I will continually discover more on this new Life of Joy. Thank you for your wisdom and generosity.” Marifran Korb,

“Thank you sooooo much. I can never decide which of your works I like best. I have a favorite, then you outdo yourself. I am so grateful for your gift. Really lifts my day and I always share your work with others.” Becky McCarley

“It was an absolute pleasure to read through every word and view your photography. It put me in a very relaxed and contemplative mood, which isn’t easy with my busy schedule.” Ann Schwartz,, commenting on Picture to Ponder on this blog.

Yes, I want some of the same. Please SUBSCRIBE me AND send me my free report, EXPAND YOUR VISION.

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Anne October 26, 2009 at 11:32 pm

Your pictures are beautiful and it has helped me look at things from a different perspective. I now look at nature and try and capture the angles and see all sorts of things that I never saw before. Love it. I would love to have a fancy camera, that will come.

Thank you


Sheila Finkelstein October 26, 2009 at 11:53 pm

Anne, Thank yo so much for your gratifying comments. I am inspired when I learn the difference my work makes for another individual.

For the record, I do not have a fancy camera. My latest digital camera has more settings than my original Fujii and I rarely use them. I mostly “Point and Shoot” on the automatic setting. The one thing that has been important to me was a long-range telephoto lens which both cameras have.

Do you have any pictures online? If you are not using FlickR for posting photos you might be interested in my “How to Use FlickR” PDF –

Thanks again for writing. Happy photographing.


Dr. Shellie Fraddin November 19, 2009 at 4:44 am

I am always fascinated with your selections of photos for ‘picture to ponder’ and especially enjoy your creative thinking and writing about your own photos.
Your thinking process for each picture to ponder issue is fascinating, intriguing and provocative. My mind and my eyes look forward to each issue, always wondering, “what is her take on this one? What is Sheila thinking about now and how will your words inspire me?” Thank you, Sheila


Krista Moore June 18, 2011 at 11:32 am

HI Sheila, I love your site and all the photographs, and your call to “vision”. It’s beautiful and important. I use words, you use images. Amazing how it all flows through us. Looking forward to connecting more on facebook. In the meantime, I have a blog you can peruse as well.

Thank you,
Krista Moore


Sheila Finkelstein June 20, 2011 at 8:27 pm

Thanks so much for visiting these pages, Krista, and your kind comments. I just went to your sites. I love your style and “The Miracle is You” quote permeating your pages. Your family inclusion is heartwarming. Your beauty shines through in your photograph and your being.



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