I was going through thousands of my photos taken over the past few years, choosing a wide range to present to a client for selection to be used as part of an upcoming DVD, when the first photo above caught my attention. I found myself pausing for a moment or so.
I was attracted to the colors, textures and design and even more by the “mystery.” “What is it?” I wondered.
Before I took the time to patiently puzzle it through, I moved on to other photos in the folder for the answer. When I saw the rooster, shown in the lower photo, I realized that the top image was that of feathers of the bird photographed between the railing slats on the boardwalk at Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
A few years ago, after a bout of challenging weather, this rooster had wandered from his normal farm environment into the Wetlands.
A close-up view of the visible portion of a rooster through a railing and the rooster himself, full body.
I found many photos of the rooster selected the second one to feature here because I like the erect head and proud posture. Then once it was set up, I noticed the HEART shape in the whole! That certainly was a delightful and pleasing surprise! I hope you find it so also.
Once again we see, as in the last issue, that altering positions, “points of view”, in this case moving from “behind bars”, we get a different feeling or communication.
In this case, I moved from the unknown to the known and was excited with my discovery. Then, interestingly, once I knew what the fluffy colors were I started thinking “feather duster” and this put a different “spin” on that whole soft and appealing imagery that first attracted me. The new association put some “negativity” into what had been a joyful experience.
Reinforcing this reversal of my initial excitement was the concern that the rooster might seem not “fitting” to be a subject at this time for Picture to Ponder. It might not be appealing to you.
And, then I saw the heart, got a “warm, fuzzy feeling” and I thought, “Who would reject a heart?”
I’ve actually gone into a little more length on the “story” here because I wanted to point out what we all do to ourselves.
Now, I invite you to look at situations in your life where you may have extensive and changing stories that may be pulling you in different directions.
Are there any where you can simply choose the most powerful and empowering one? Or, might there be a situation where the most fruitful action would be to simply let all the stories and interpretations go and move on? Remember you are the one who gets to choose.
Perhaps you’ll find an Energy Shift might be called for. If so, see the information below on my friend Adela Rubio’s programs.
As always, put fun into this. Where will you find faces and smiles today?
ATTENTION for those of you who might be interested in ENERGY SHIFTING –
My friend Adela Rubio has introduced a Program that has already sold out twice. The course is limited to 11 participants in each series. The next one is starting in September.
Adela asks:
“Are you ready to Master Your Highly Sensitive Nature?
Do you consider yourself to be ‘highly sensitive?’
Does it feel like a burden or a blessing?
What if your hypersensitivity were actually your super power, a gift that provides access to deep connection and intuitive knowledge, a tool that could empower you and your clients?
The Energy Shifts program is designed to:
*increase body connection and awareness
*expand your bandwidth of intuitive sensing
*shift your perspective from problem to potential
*increase your available energy and energy mastery
*activate your connective, expanded nature
If you’re interested in experiencing any of the above, check out ENERGY SHIFT for September before it, too, gets sold out and while Adela is still offering a rate with a $30 savings.
I don’t know if the following fits for you, and I thought I would pass it on in the event that you are one who has been wanting to set up your own blog, but have gotten frustrated with the technical stuff. My friend Traci Knoppe has put together a very easy to understand and use 4-week ecourse, with simple step-by-step procedures. You can learn more at BEGINNER TO BLOGGER.