Throughout the years of publishing Picture to Ponder and Treasure Your Life Now, there’s been the recurring theme of “Being Present in Our Lives” – “present” to the people in it and to our environments.
This includes hearing what is being said, rather than listening to the voices in our head and what we think is being spoken by another person.
Mainly, over the years, through images I’ve presented, it has also been about actually seeing, “being present” to what’s in front of, and around, us.
Today’s Photos are an eclectic combination that will ultimately lead to my points in the Self-Reflecting Queries and Relationship Tips below.
The bird at the top is a little green heron, on a root, surrounded by spatterdock. To you does he feel present to what’s around him, or is the focus on his inner thoughts?
For some unknown reason the image below surfaced as one that wanted to be included in today’s query on “being present.” Not a photograh, it’s a drawing done with the Flowpaper app on my iPhone camera.
I could take some “guesses”, or offer some thoughts as to the why of it. Rather I think I’ll leave it for you to come up with your own interpretations. It’s our nature to create our own stories anyway.
Lastly, below is the screen-shot image of a portion of an open page that illustrates the root of what that had me write on this topic in the first place today.
As I’ve indicated in recent issues of Treasure Your Life Now, the main portion of my time is being spent developing my new business, Technology for Seniors Made Easy.
In a recent post on its blog, responding to a question on “How to work with multiple Internet Browser windows“, I opened the Safari file menu to point out the differences between clicking on “New Window” and “New Tab”.
Then, a few days later, I went back to this image when I did another post on “7 Commonly Used Keyboard shortcuts“.
Because my attention had turned to the symbols for shortcuts, I finally glanced at those in the right-hand column. What an awakening!
For the FIRST TIME, I saw that we can email URL links directly from web pages. There is even the option in Safari (and Internet Explorer) to include the contents of the whole page! Not only does the “Email link” (the labeling in other browser menus) open up a new message in the mail program with the link in the body, the subject line is filled in also.
Then I went back to the EDIT menus and, of course, saw what I’ve known to be there – the shortcut symbols. It’s simply that it always seemed easier to stick with what we’ve known…. how to use the mouse to pull up dropdown menus.
How much time and energy might I, and possibly you, have saved over the years by simply paying a bit more attention to what was around us, rather than just repeating the “same old” and “familiar”?
Self-Reflecting Queries –
Does any of what I described above fit for you? Perhaps there was an automatic response to the photo or one of the illustrations? If so, how might this be indicative of your “beingness” in other areas of your life?
I invite you to reflect on your life and see where you may be following a routine that’s been established by you or someone else in your life.
What does it, or would it take, for you to break through and look to see if there are alternatives?
If there are, what might they make available to you?
Relationship Tip –
All of the above is a reminder to be always looking with fresh eyes at situations we are in with others. Remember to consider that there is more than likely more than one way of doing something.
It may take time to learn something new, to retrain yourself from the automatic responses. And consider, “In the long run, might it be worth it?”
What might the contribution be to your relationship with yourself or another to seeing more than one side?
Please share in the COMMENTS below your experiences with these questions and your resultant actions.
Have You a Parent Who is Driving You Crazy, often at the most inconvenient times, with Computer, iPad or Smartphone questions?
If so, Mother’s Day is Coming Up this weekend. I invite you to check out updated Coaching Package page and consider giving one as a gift.
Perhaps, one-on-one technology coaching is a gift you might want to give yourself. Check out the updated Coaching package page.
Lastly, if you are interested in a Successful Internet Marketing Business and missed seeing this in the last issue…
Tom Antion will be doing his signature Butt Camp, in Delray Beach, FL on May 18th and 19th, with opportunites to gather before. See BUTT CAMP for details.
Based on Tom’s years of extremely successful businesses as a speaker and Internet Marketer, the two days will be packed full of information, suggestions, to-dos, interspersed with Tom’s humor.
Again, go to BUTT CAMP for details and a short video.