by Sheila Finkelstein on February 24, 2011

Today’s post of Picture to Ponder has been delayed because of my “need” to revise the Through and From The Lens telecourse information/registration page. My focus has been on my “stuckness” in its having the “just right” (or “perfect”) words and images so that visitors get a full experience of the value the program will add to their lives.
Participants in the last course expressed delight at finding they now have a new tool for simultaneous relaxation and re-energizing. Their enthusiasm increased as they began seeing things in new ways. Both newbies to their cameras, and those customarily using them, are excited with the new possibilities that develop for sharing and displaying their photos, including using them in blog posts and other public places. [click to continue…]
by Sheila Finkelstein on February 16, 2011
This past week I was focused on noticing light, shadows and contrasts, following along with the suggested explorations for participants before the last session of the current Through and From The Lens Telecourse.
I ultimately had fun “playing” with two white roses out of a Valentine’s Day bouquet of roses gift from my son and daughter-in-law. I photographed roses against both white and black backgrounds and then experimented with different editing “enhancements” in iPhoto, Photoshop Elements, my most frequently used program, and Picnik, the free program that Flickr offers and integrates with its services.

For more of Today’s Photos, explanations and Queries [click to continue…]
by Sheila Finkelstein on February 11, 2011
On New Year’s Day, around noon, I was driving down a street when the reflections in the building shown below caught my attention.

Reflecting the building seen in the photo just under here. [click to continue…]
by Sheila Finkelstein on February 9, 2011
This week a few Facebook fans and I have been having fun on my new Fan Page. I started the page posting a mystery photo almost daily, giving the answer the next day. For the past several days, I’ve been posting individual views of one series of photos taken in early afternoon four years ago. The “answers” have yet to be given. These photos still inspire and excite me when I periodically review them and I have been thoroughly enjoying them this week. It’s been fun selecting which to use to maintain the “mystery” while at the same time starting to give some visual hints. Some of the “guesses” amaze and delight me, bringing a smile to my face. I invite you to come look and enjoy them also, even participate in the guessing.
The other part of the game for me has become reaching at least 100 fans by 6 PM Eastern Time today. As I write, only 4 more are needed to meet that number. If you’d like to be one of them simply go to the Through and From The Lens Fan Page and click on “Like” at the end of the line of links under the name.
Today’s Featured Photos –

[click to continue…]
by Sheila Finkelstein on February 3, 2011
Several Picture to Ponder subscribers have written about how much they enjoy seeing flower photographs here. To accommodate, especially since the weather is so harsh in so many areas, I started looking through my files. I then decided to make it “easier” on myself and simply reprint an earlier issue.
The following was featured in Issue 118 in June 2005. (Note the issue number, which meant I had done 118 issues in 6 months!) Most of the text is as written then.
Today’s Featured Photos –

closing in on a portion of an hibiscus. [click to continue…]