While searching for today’s photos I felt an immediate smile break out as my eye quickly caught the photo below. I saw a grinning face winking. I decided to go for the humor, hoping you see it also.
Finding play and humor is part of what I am currently working on as I narrow down my coaching practice to supporting working Moms who are looking for creating deeper connections and communication with their young children (ages 4 to 5 to 10). At the same time they will be having expanded fun and joy during their togetherness times, with less or no guilt around the spaces when they cannot be with one another. One way of doing this is opening to the people, objects and scenes each party sees in different ways.
In addition I have also been meeting virtually with some other people doing exciting programs. See comments below on new programs. Also, should you be a Mom who might have an interest in learning about what I am developing, please email me, sheila [at] sheilafinkelstein.com, with subject: “Tell Me More about upcoming Moms’ Programs.”
Today’s Photos –
The top two photographs are of a hubcap, on a car or van, in the parking lot of Green Cay Wetlands. The top is an untouched photograph with the bluish cast coming from early evening light.
For me the top one is more the attention getter with a little more of the unknown in feeling and my focus stays more on the upper two eyes. I included the second, with a slight adjustment using Photoshop Elements to remove the bluishe cast, to show you how color can make a difference.
In the middle photo, we already “know” more quickly the subject of the photo in part from the information given us by the colors. There also are more bright spots scattering our attention throughout the photo. I’ve included the bottom photo, simply to show what had the hubcap be my final picture of the day. On that particular late afternoon in Green Cay, I found myself photographing light and shadows and moved onto nuts and bolts. The iron bars anchoring the boardwalk gate were among the items that caught my eye.
If you are one who “personifies” photo images along with me, you might see the faces here, or simply view the bars as “guards”, or “soldiers,” or something totally different.
RE Art and Composition:
Holding the three photographs together in one presentation are the blues in all of them, the beiges in the bottom and the middle, and the similarity of curved lines in the wood grain on our right and in the hubcaps above.
Today’s Photo Story –
Once again the images in the photographs above lend themselves., at least for me, to the possibility of fun stories. I invite you to have play and make up some of your own.
Again, if you have children, or know any, I invite you to share these photos with them and listen to their observations and stories. And, certainly don’t neglect the “children” within the adults in your world. Please invite them to have fun with you also.
Self-Reflecting Queries –
Given today’s photos are a move away from the usual straight Nature photos, I’m wondering if there is a difference in your response.
Are you sitting with unfulfilled expectations? If so, what are they? How do you handle things when they are not what you expected?
Can you identify any patterns of behavior in your life when you are disappointed? Conversely, if you were excited and enthusiastic how does your behavior differ?
Was there a difference for you in the two top photographs when the colors shifted? If so, I invite you to be aware of times that colors may be having an impact on your perception. What other things can you shift to give your new perspectives?
Note: I put completing this issue aside overnight and find it interesting that the top two continue to bring out a quick, spontaneous smile to my face. Then I move down to the third photo and the feeling of sternness and rigidity put a halt to that.
As always have fun with these queries and looking/seeing. Also, please post your responses in the COMMENTS section below.
For Teachers and Parents of Young Children –
At the start of this issue I mentioned a new “virtual” friend. Her name is Rose Emery, a singer, performer and more who brings Nature, preservation of the Earth, and more to her audiences through perky songs and animation, plus.
I discovered her through Twitter earlier this week. As a result I have access to a quick uplift in my spirit whenever needed. I simply go to one of her web pages and listen to “I Saw Butterflies Kissing”. I start smiling immediately and feel myself starting to dance in my chair. I invite you, too, to check out BUTTERFLIES While there be sure to follow some of her other links. They lead to some interactive pages and teachings to use with young children.
How about you? Any similar reactions on your end?
Further Respite –
“There is a lot of scientific study out there that says if we can’t be in nature, just looking at pictures of nature can have a soothing calming effect… For anyone who is undergoing any kind of stress/anxiety situations, this would just be a real gift.” Ellen Britt, http://marketingqi.com/