by Sheila Finkelstein on January 26, 2012
Today’s issue of Picture to Ponder is revision of Issue 108, May 24, 2005, when I was doing four issues a week. You’ll see, as you look below, that the subject of today’s featured photograph is my feet in my late, beloved husband Sam’s lap, as he used my legs for a “table” on which to write. I’m thinking there is some reason, the reminder of this photo came up for me this week, so I’m going with my gut and using it and the story.
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by Sheila Finkelstein on January 19, 2012

Once again, a not-so-attractive face popped out at me for today’s issue of Picture to Ponder. Do you see the large, nose profile and the cone-shaped head covered with a hat?
This one is a little different in that I first saw the face, when looking at the larger photo which you’ll see below. This is a portion that I cropped out of the larger image and rotated from horizontal to vertical. From which of the photos below was this abstracted? [click to continue…]
by Sheila Finkelstein on January 11, 2012
A quick follow-up – After publishing last week’s Picture to Ponder, I discovered the possibility of the relaxation/respite ocean videos as the background image while working in other programs. I added a quick, new post to the blog and included the “Gulls at the Ocean” video within the message. You can view it directly within the Ocean Energy blog post. You can also click on an icon to see the video full screen.
Now, regarding today’s issue of Picture to Ponder, I suspect that you may be a little taken aback by the featured photos, so a quick explanation. The images are more about the lesson that came through for me, than they are about being aesthetically pleasing or “nice” photographs. So, I’ll go right into the pictures and their story, expanding on the “message” in the Self-Reflecting Queries.
Today’s Photos and Story –
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by Sheila Finkelstein on January 5, 2012
I continue to be so excited with my video desk-top discovery written about earlier today in my Orchid Light and Ocean Video post that I took a picture of a Word document surround by ocean energy as I worked.

The image you see is WORD open, on top of a QuickTime video paused where I wanted it. QuickTime is staying open throughout my work day. Again, see previous post for explanation how I’m using it on my desktop. Clicking on the icon in the lower right will open it full screen.
If you would like the download of the above video for any-time respite on your own desktop, simply fill in the form below.
And, if you would like to listen to the sounds of the ocean as you work, you can open my YouTube Sunrise-Sunset Ocean videos Playlist. The videos play one after another so you can have that going in the background while you work. Any time you need a visual respite, you can simply go back to that window. For best listening, lower your computer volume.
Clicking on YouTube in the video below will bring you directly into the full Playlist.
by Sheila Finkelstein on January 5, 2012
Though I did wish you a Happy New Year in the closing issue of Picture to Ponder for 2011, I’m moved to share the following photos and video for their light and aliveness.
Continuing the celebration, these orchids are spilling light and joy into the New Year. May it be a wondrous one, full of discovery and both old and the new that will empower you and your loved ones.
Discovering new things is one of the big passions in my life, especially exciting when they happen accidentally and totally unexpectedly. Be sure to continue reading, to see the possibility with videos.
Today’s Photos
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