July 2011

If you read the last Picture to Ponder post, you’ll most like recall my fascination with the unfolding of two interlocked, wood-like, seed pods that got totally flat after soaking in water.

One of the photos showed the pods starting to curl up. I put them back in water until my grandsons came, so together we could watch changes that might come.

The bottom line end result is that the two pods, with one ultimately placed on top of the other, became intertwined and totally circled back onto themselves into one unit.

The whole process took less than a half a day. I’ve posted the photographs below and seven others on a Pods Circling page for you to see the changes. If you are a writer, there are some interesting images on the latter page that I think would be great for journaling or creative story writing.

Today’s Picture to Ponder Photos –

 Wood pod and avocado [click to continue…]


My older son and two grandsons are visiting this week, so today’s Picture to Ponder is late and will mainly be the photographs and story documenting discovering and transformation. The Queries are brief and might be profound for some of you.

Today’s Picture to Ponder Photos –

 Curled Wood Pod 1 [click to continue…]


A quick reminder before deadline to check out the full book, flip-through-the-pages, preview of PICTURES TO PONDER: INSPIRED JOURNALING Flowers Book 1. After this Friday, July 15th, the number of pages in the preview will be reduced and the price for the download will revert to its original. See below (under SRQs) for more details or click on the flower image here.

Moving from flowers to wood, water and lines -  I started saying “textures” and realized flowers have textures also. The photos below are in reverse order from the way they were shot. It’s the top image that kept saying it wanted to be the featured one today.

Today’s Picture to Ponder Photos –

Boardwalk railing at Green Cay Wetlands - Interlocking textures [click to continue…]

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Pictures to Ponder: Inspired Journaling – Flowers Book 1 is now available on iBooks for download on iPads and iPhones. I got notification of this from Lulu Books just after I made the commitment to create and publish another book on Kindle by July 30th. Amazing synchronicity!

The book consists of flower photos from early issues of Picture to Ponder, plus Self-Reflecting Queries, with spaces to journal on each, if you so wish. The photos are larger than you see them in the ezine and online, giving you more of an opportunity for a fuller experience with each. For more details and links for the iBooks and/or the PDF on Lulu, see BOOK.

Now on to
Today’s Picture to Ponder Photos –

canteloupe with knife [click to continue…]


Coming up on a holiday weekend here in the United States, today’s Picture to Ponder photos and videos are meant to offer you relaxation, as well as joy in experiencing Nature. Have a meaningful weekend, whatever you are up to.

Today’s Picture to Ponder Photos and Videos –

stream at Camp Ramah Darom in Clayton, GA [click to continue…]