February 2013

As I’ve mentioned in recent issues of Treasure Your Life Now, I’ve been focusing on areas other than photography. Beneath it all, though, I have a sense of obligation to the subscribers and have had the wondering of what to post here.

In searching through earlier issues, the photos featured today popped out for me. The top photo was a fun one for me.

Boadwalk railing at Green Cay Wetlands - Interlocking textures

If you see the two “kissing faces” in the split in the boardwalk railing, I expect it will be fun for you too. A little late for Valentine’s Day, it does seem to fit the writing I did today in my Writing Group that I’ve mentioned before.

The other four participants all insisted that I post it someplace. So though I’m not exactly sure why, I’m trusting them. It certainly does point to Treasuring Our Lives Now.

The quote to which we wrote for four minutes was: [click to continue…]