Today’s Picture to Ponder will be brief. I am on an extra-tight schedule and yet feel the commitment to get out the weekly issue of Picture to Ponder. Have a great and inspiring weekend.
Today’s Picture to Ponder Photos –
Today’s Picture to Ponder will be brief. I am on an extra-tight schedule and yet feel the commitment to get out the weekly issue of Picture to Ponder. Have a great and inspiring weekend.
Today’s Picture to Ponder Photos –
From time to time in Picture to Ponder, I’ve mentioned being in a weekly writing group where we each write for four minutes on prompts from quotes. On occasion we’ll use one of my photographs. It’s amazing what can be written in that short amount of time. Yesterday, I came across something I wrote a few weeks ago and thought it would be a great for today’s issue of Picture to Ponder.
“You are the laboratory and every day is the experiment. Go and find what is new and unexpected.” Joel Elkes.
My response follows
Today’s Picture to Ponder Photo, a dramatic, surprise discovery which brought me joy.
Today’s photos were taken with my iPhone. Each was enhanced with one or two iPhone FX Photo Studio applications, along with slight Photoshop Elements touch-ups.
Before checking to see what the subjects are, if you are not sure, please take a moment or two to simply be with them, noticing what, if anything, appeals to you. [click to continue…]
This weekend a new subscriber came on board, noting that she found Picture to Ponder when Googling “Bottle Palm Tree” pictures. I was curious as to what she might have discovered and did my own search. I found the issue published three years ago, this week, on June 3, 2008. And the message is timeless.
In reviewing it, I was moved with the photos, what they brought up and the messages, so I’m reissuing it today with some modifications. Thank you, Justine, for opening this up for me, for us all.
In addition to the variations as we shift perspectives, the experience here is a reminder to those who love to write that we can be using Picture to Ponder photos for writing prompts.
Today’s Picture to Ponder Photo
Horizontal view of the leaves, or frond, of a Bottle Palm Tree
As I was searching for a Picture to Ponder photo the drama of this one popped out at me. “Perfect for writing,” I thought, though I did not plan to write from it here. And then as I was putting together the issue, I wrote:
ODE TO A BOTTLE PALM TREE FROND [click to continue…]