Before discussing the photos in today’s Picture to Ponder, I’d like to invite you to mark your calendar for the interview Amethyst Wyldfyre will be doing with me on her Blazing Forth the Light, Blog Talk Radio Show, next Friday, December 11th at 4 PM US Eastern Time. Amethyst has kindly entitled the show The Gifted Hand, The Gifted Eye – Fine Art for the Holidays with Sheila Finkelstein. Part of what I will be covering will be the Art and Gift of you and our other readers and gifts you can be creating. See SHOW for details
Now to Today’s Photos – I mentioned last week that I had recently been attracted to window reflections and mentally was planning a whole “lesson” in seeing – expectations – and shifts. On Sunday, after a weekend art show, I glanced across the park into windows above a shop and was captivated by the reflections.
I won’t know until I start writing here today, what the “lessons”, if any, will be. Let’s simply start with the photographs.
In this first photo, I was on an early afternoon conference call sitting at one end of my patio. When I looked across, to the left of my kitchen doors, I became intrigued by what appeared to be an extension of my house on the “outside”, as well as the wavy images in the door, seen on the left.
I did, of course, after the call, take more close-up photos of the patterned reflections, then went outside to double check that, in fact, my house does end with the glass windows, no other extensions. I include the full-view photo here to simply give a sense of the scene and its possibilities.
The next two photographs are among those which I took of assorted reflections in the upper story windows across from the park last weekend.
Outside, inside, does it matter which?
Diagonal lines, curved, straight
Vertical, horizontal, one or the other
Does it make a difference?
Which, if any, have more appeal?
For me, the most artistic of the three is the center photo – flowing shapes in the reflections, with faint, straight, diagonal lines. All are anchored by the bold lines of the window frame.
Self-Reflecting Queries –
The main point of these reflections photographs, is to invite you to also look at reflections that might be showing up in windows through which you frequently look. If you do not immediately see anything reflected, change your position. And, whether you do or don’t see reflections the first time, I invite you to also check the same windows a few times during the same day and evening.
You will probably be surprised to note that you may be seeing reflections and images that are quite different each time you look.
If you start noticing anything new or different in this way, I invite you to look at one or more situations, or relationships, in your life. Does it, do they, change when you move, shift perspectives, alter the time of day or night, when you are studying it/them?
In the above photos, there are many dimensions which we could spend a lot of time attempting to figure out what belongs where. What is actually being reflected? Which of the images are reflections? Which are actually there in the exact position in which we see them?
We can ask ourselves all these questions, find the answers, and then what? Is is sometimes sufficient to simply enjoy and be with what is? Might the enjoyment be even greater at times if we remain in a state of appreciation, rather than dissection?
What comes up for me is to remind myself, as much as I love inquiry and discovery, that I often have peaceful times when I allow myself to simply be and appreciate.
How about you? As always, have fun with this.
Have you asked anyone lately how they perceive you? If not, I invite you to do so. I often experience a greater sense of myself when I see myself reflected in another’s words. You might be pleasantly surprised. Why not treat yourself and another the opportunity to “gift” you their vision of you.
A recent example for me, relates to the upcoming radio show mentioned earlier and Amethyst Wyldfyre’s description of me, on her main Blog Talk Radio page. Under upcoming interviews, she refers to me as a “prolific photographer and brilliant artist” who “…is also an inspiring teacher and has brought many of her students to the gifts of creative self expression.” Thank you, Amethyst.
Do please bookmark the site and join us. If the time does not work for you, you will be able to download the call at a later time.
I also invite you to check out some of what Amethyst is up to with her work with Energy Mastery for the Evolving Entrepreneur on her Energy site. You can also learn more about her and her shamanic work and Crystal Bowl Sound Healing on
Lastly, if you are ready to move into your own creative mode, I invite you to check out some of what’s available on the site of my friend, wildly creative Marney Makridakis:
Programs for Your Own Creative Mode –
A Special Gift Marney has offered Picture to Ponder Subscribers –
A F*R*EE copy of the Artella eBook, Artella’s Step-by-Step Vintage Holiday Cards, an eBook featuring 10 beautiful handmade cards, complete with photos and descriptive “how-to” instructions, showcasing a variety of techniques such as rubber stamping, collage, and innovative paper and mixed media arts.
Download your copy here!
For year-round creative ideas and activities, check out the 55% off savings on Holiday Gift Memberships on Artella’s Creativity (virtual) Cruise Ship.
And, if you are a coach, or want some creative ideas for art activities geared toward transformation and growth, check out “Creativity, Intuition, and Choice” in ARTbundance Coach Training Sample Class on Tuesday night December 8th.
Finally, a reminder – If you are doing holiday shopping I invite you to remember to check out my GIFT SHOP I especially love the pillows and keepsake tiles boxes and decorating with the clocks
December 7th – 9th – Free economy shipping on orders of $50 or more with coupon code: HOLIDAYSHIPS
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