If you are one who has been married, or in a relationship, for 7 or more years, I’d love to have a conversation with you regarding Love With No Regrets. Do you ever wonder if there can be more than what you have now between the two of you? Are you and/or he/she challenged in expressing your/their true feelings? Are there things being left unsaid that you might regret not having spoken?
If any of the above fits for you, I invite you to schedule a 30-minute time slot on my Session Calendar For more background and general information see – www.LoveWithNoRegrets.com – or go directly to the RYL-Session page to book a time.
Now on to Today’s Photos – A strange combination, I know. And, what commonalities do you see?
In reviewing my beloved Sam’s and my 47-year love and life together, I’ve been going through part of the Legacy of Love from him that I have. In addition to his writing, this legacy includes many beautiful black and white photos that very clearly expressed his love for me.
As I explored photos and memories, I was particularly drawn to the photo above of my legs and feet. I grabbed my iPhone to photograph it. I thought it would be a great illustration to use for pointing out the beauty in loving all parts of ourselves and of our partners.
Then the whole feeling of it, the composition, the lines and other textures continued to captivate me. So the photo has been sitting in my computer files waiting to be shared with you.
Yesterday, I photographed the hibiscus flower. It caught my eye mainly for the color, then the textures. As I looked at it I thought, “Hmmm. This could fit with the feet, wrinkles on both!”
Then amazingly, when I put them together here they really did fit together aesthetically on several levels – the repetition of textures, the angular lines from upper left to bottom right, and some of the shapes, particularly in the negative spaces (those in between the components of the subject).
Self-Reflecting Queries –
As always, I now invite you to check out your responses to the photos and what’s going on in your life, in your relationships with yourself, with your spouse or partner, if you have one, and with others with whom you interact.
Did you immediately reject one or both photos because it/they did not fit with a preconceived idea or expectation of what you “should be” seeing here? Were there other “judgments” getting in the way of your seeing what was there?
If that’s so, I invite you to look into your life and see where you might be turning someone, or a new idea, off simply because they/it wasn’t “right”.
If either, or both, of the photos “grabbed” you in some way, what was it – the disparity? the black and white or the color? and immediate association with something else in your life? Can you then relate this to other processes you go through?
Lastly, for today, can you see where you can find commonalities in two totally different images and subjects and have them work together? If so, I invite you to also move this query into your life and at least one relationship.
Are there differences between the two of you that you have been allowing to get in the way of a fully loving experience? Again, if so, I invite you to look with new eyes to see where exist the commonalities on which you can build and expand.
As always, have fun and please post your experience of this in the COMMENTS below.
If you wish to respond specifically the relationship questions, I invite you to comment on the LWNR – Love With No Regrets – blog entry which focuses on the foot massage tip in “55 Ways to Share Love.”
While on the LWNR site be sure to add your tip also on the Tips page.