Aged, Solid,
Rock Hard,
Rich in color, texture, patterns
And oh so much more.
On its own, it splits in two
Peel the parchment skin
Find the heart lines, textures,
Ying and Yang?
Is there a message here, or do we simply accept it for what it is?
Beauty contained in the ordinary, often overlooked,
Sometimes never seen at all.
Avocado pits, collected over time,
Which one, or ones, shall come out
To be honored by the camera
And be featured here today?
Several months ago, I started eating and enjoying avocados. During that time, I, periodically, became intrigued with the richness of the colors and the moderate changes that took place over time.
I thus started saving some, finally putting several in the bowl above. There they sat for weeks. Occasionally another was added as they awaited my attention for photographing and doing some observation and documentation here. The “project” has been one of the “weighty” things on my mental, to-do list. Gentle reminders surfaced whenever I glanced toward this bowl, wherever it was. Then I moved it to the center of my dining room, sharing space with the Toshiko Takaezu bowls, placed there last week for Picture to Ponder photographing – Issue 44, if you missed it.
Yesterday, in the morning Enlightened Gratitude Day 5 call led by Adela Rubio, I was walking around my home, honoring and tapping into my being. Then I passed the pits, picked up a few and started admiring, then speaking of them. Of course, the camera came out after the call, so I could share some more, showing what I described.
(Note: You can see a brief description of the free series of 33 daily calls below the Self-Reflecting Queries. In part, they are about embodying gratitude and abundance in your inner and outer world.)
Later on in the afternoon, my Canon camera and I went back to do some peeling of seed skin and separating those pods which were still whole. Almost universally they all had a line/indentation, around the circumference, ready to be split. As I noted in my first lines in the introduction above, these pits are now hard like stone.
On the other hand, most interestingly to me, one was somewhat soft, allowing me to dig in with my thumbnails to split it.
To the left are the split halves of the pit above, not yet fully hard. Note the colors are still light.
A day later they have already started darkening, though the color is not yet as deep as that in the split one above and below.
Today’s Picture to Ponder Photos continued –
There are countless more observations I might make and, likely, discoveries yet to be made. Rather than continuing writing, I’m simply adding an assortment of additional photos, randomly selected.
and for fun… The one below kept cropping up on my screen, bringing a smile to my face.
Note: I suspect you may have questions as to backgrounds and did I manipulate the colors at all. The answer to the latter is, “No; though some I lightened slightly.”
FAQs –
Colors –
The color of the seed pods are quite close to what I saw. I used Photoshop Elements to adjust the lighting slightly. I did no specific color alterations.
Backgrounds on which the seeds were placed –
The pastel textured background is actually a thin white, hard foam sheet, with some ripples in it, as seen in the photo with the bowl. I did not see the colors on it as I photographed. I’m assuming the afternoon, northern sunlight, picked up the colors and cast the shadows.
The next-to-the-last two photos are in a ceramic dish I made many years ago. The bowl with all the pits is also one I made.
Self-Reflecting Queries –
I am somewhat overwhelmed here as I complete today’s issue of Picture to Ponder. There are so many variables I could include, so many photos from which to choose, that the SRQs are having trouble coming through.
I guess the biggest might be – Looking into your own life, what do you do when faced with an abundance of choices? Do you turn away as I, in effect, had done for many weeks, by “thinking about” doing an avocado pit story? Or, do you simplify and take some sort of action?
Also, are you one that will save things that intrigue you, or do you mainly discard them to keep spaces clear and free from clutter? This would include mental as well as physical spaces.
And, no matter which category fits for you, I invite you to dedicate a small space, hidden if need be, to put aside a red onion, garlic bulb and/or an avocado pit to observe over time… possibly months!!! Cut it, peel, or whatever else you are drawn to do. Then observe. Photograph and/or write if you are so moved.
Simply be open to the changes that occur in your subject. Then note if they relate to anything in other areas of your life.
As I’m concluding the following idea surfaced and started evolving:
If you decide to accept my invitation and would like to set up some kind of forum, so we can follow your discoveries and that of others, simply email me. I’m putting “30 Day Veggie Image Experiment” in the subject line and we’ll see what we can create.
It is open-ended right now. I’m smiling at the thought of it. I hope some of you are also.